Albornoz, F., Contreras, D., & Upward, R. (2023). Let's stay together: The effects of repeat student-teacher matches on academic achievement.
Economics of Education Review
, 94, Article 102375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2023.102375
We explore the effectiveness of repeating the student-teacher match on test scores, for the universe of 8th graders in Chile using information on all student-teacher matches across multiple subjects and years, and a national, anonymous measure of test scores. Using a fixed-effect and a regression discontinuity approach, we find that repeating matches has a robust positive effect on test scores. We show that this positive effect aggregates up to the student, class, and school-level, and also has longer-term effects on university admission exams. As channels, we find a significant positive effect on attendance, progression, student behaviour and teacher expectations. Reallocating teachers to classes with which they are familiar appears to offer a feasible strategy to improve student performance at low cost.

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